Growing carrots in containers can be challenging.
—‘Romeo’ and ‘Babette’© Steve Masley Click IMAGE to Enlarge |
Most containers are too shallow to grow tap-rooted vegetables like carrots, and containers dry out too quickly.
But if you choose the right type of carrot for the depth of your pot or window box, and make sure the containers get plenty of water, you can grow sweet, delicious carrots on an apartment deck or terrace.
The longer the carrot, the deeper the root zone it needs to form uniform, well-shaped carrots.
Nantes varieties like ‘Scarlet Nantes’ and ‘Bolero’ are the most commonly found carrot seeds. They form 6-9" (15-20cm) roots, and can grow in a 12” (30cm) deep planter box or pot. Deeper pots or planters work even better.
Carrot Varieties | Growing Carrots | Harvesting Carrots
‘Romeo’© Steve Masley (Click IMAGE to Enlarge) |
Radish-style round carrots like ‘Romeo’ also work well in containers as shallow as 6” (15cm).
You can buy a light commercial organic potting soil, but it gets expensive quickly for large pots and planters. It’s usually cheaper to make your own potting soil.
For container carrots, you can replace the horticultural lava rock in the basic recipe above with perlite or vermiculite. Add a small amount of Alfalfa Meal—2 tablespoons per gallon of potting mix—to supply nitrogen for top growth.
Worm castings–especially fresh worm castings with a few live worms–are an excellent addition to potting soils for carrots in containers.
Top of Growing Carrots in Containers
Carrot Varieties
Growing Carrots
Harvesting Carrots
How to Grow Vegetables
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